Download assassin's creed black flag ps5 for free
Download assassin's creed black flag ps5 for free

Aveline figurehead (PC, PS3 and PS4 exclusive).Matched Golden Swords - Captain Kenway's Legacy Pack, Illustrious Pirates Pack (ULC chest on Florida).German Rapiers - Castaway's Prize Pack, Illustrious Pirates Pack (ULC chest on Crooked Island).Edward Kenway's Unique Swords - McFarlane Toys Edward Kenway figurine, Ubishop Edward Kenway: The Assassin Pirate figure (ULC chest on Great Inagua).Pepper promotion (PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U exclusive, available on PC through other means) Captain Morgan's Pistols - Black Island reward.Captain Drake's Flintlocks - Sacrifice Island reward.Captain Drake's Swords - Sacrifice Island reward.Connor's outfit - requires three other save files of the Assassin's Creed series registered to Uplay.Ezio Auditore's robes - requires two other save files of the Assassin's Creed series registered to Uplay.

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Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad's robes - requires one other save file of the Assassin's Creed series registered to Uplay.Haytham Kenway's overcoat - McFarlane Toys Haytham Kenway figurine, Ubishop Edward Kenway: The Assassin Pirate figure (ULC chest in Great Inagua hideout).Stede Bonnet's attire - Mystery Island reward.Captain Morgan's redingote - Black Island reward.Captain Drake's outfit - Sacrifice Island reward.Most of them are also available in the Illustrious Pirates Pack. The following content can be partially unlocked via certain special editions of Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, by purchasing the respective McFarlane Toys figurines based on characters included in Assassin's Creed III and Black Flag, via Uplay or Assassin's Creed: Initiates. Technology Pack - allows Edward Kenway to buy all Jackdaw upgrades instantaneously.Resources Pack - increases the Jackdaw's storage limit to 2500 and gives 500 of each ship resource.Includes profile sets, abilities, perks, streaks, and bonuses. Multiplayer Gameplay Pack - unlocks all multi-player abilities and sets, giving you a leg up on your competition.Multiplayer Appearance Pack - unlocks all multiplayer customization items including costumes, weapons, moves, emblems, and patron pictures from level 1-55.Collectibles Pack - reveals all collectible locations on the Animus mini-map.Activities Pack - reveals all activity locations on the Animus mini-map.Kraken Ship Pack (Season Pass exclusive).

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  • Aveline de Grandpré's memories (PS3, PS4, PC Digital Deluxe and Gold Editions exclusive, not part of season pass).

  • Download assassin's creed black flag ps5 for free